Study: Cycling Is Better For You Than Running
Jan 30, 2014
The claim: If you'd rather get a full-body wax than attempt to go running, good news! Your body may not be such a fan of running either. Long-dis...
The Supplement That Can Damage Your Muscles
Jan 29, 2014
As you know, there are lots of things that can mess with your workout. You could not get enough sleep the night before, you could exercise on an ...
Renal redox response to normal pregnancy in the rat
Jan 2, 2014
Normal pregnancy involves increased renal sodium reabsorption, metabolism, and oxygen consumption, which can cause increased oxidative stress (OS). OS...
5 Weight-loss Lies We Tell Ourselves
Sep 28, 2013
Weight loss is an American cultural obsession. The national conversation about it has become a cacophony of claims and inducements for products and di...
Chronic vasodilation increases renal medullary PDE5A and α-ENaC through independent renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system pathways
Sep 25, 2013
We have previously observed that many of the renal and hemodynamic adaptations seen in normal pregnancy can be induced in virgin female rats by chroni...
Blueberry study bears fruit at Research Campus
Sep 21, 2013
Blueberries have taken center stage again at the North Carolina Research Campus in Kannapolis, this time as part of a discovery researchers say enhanc...
ASU study shows another fruit, veggie eating aid
Sep 7, 2013
It sounds on the surface like a too-good-to-be-true infomercial offer – boost your metabolism and burn fat during your sleep.However, a group of sci...
Effects of voluntary wheel running on the kidney at baseline and after ischaemia-reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury: a strain difference comparison
Dec 24, 2012
Exercise-induced vascular endothelial adaptations in the kidney are not well understood. Therefore, we investigated the impact of voluntary wheel runn...
Should You Exercise When Sick?
Jan 6, 2012
When you've got a serious case of the sniffles, you may not feel like hitting the gym (and other gym-goers may not want you there sneezing on them, an...
For an Exercise Afterburn, Intensity May be the Key
Apr 18, 2011
Depending on whom you ask, the answer to this question is either one of the great myths of exercise or one of the great unappreciated truths: Is there...