
Kannapolis researcher debunks running myth
Jun 5, 2015

Glenn Carroll and Joshua Pinyan take part in a study in the Appalachian State University Human Performance Lab on the North Carolina Research... Human Performance Laboratory, Research

Appalachian State validates non-invasive method to measure muscle glycogen
May 12, 2015

Kannapolis—Researchers in exercise and sports science can put away their biopsy needles.

Human Performance Laboratory, Research

Renal NCC is unchanged in the midpregnant rat and decreased in the late pregnant rat despite avid renal Na+ retention
Apr 29, 2015

Pregnancy is characterized by plasma volume expansion due to Na(+) retention, driven by aldosterone.

Cardio-Renal Physiology Laboratory, Research

Mysticism And Metabolomics
Dec 29, 2014

In the late 70s, many endurance athletes believed what John L.

Human Performance Laboratory, Research

Study: Cycling Is Better For You Than Running
Jan 30, 2014

The claim: If you'd rather get a full-body wax than attempt to go running, good news! Your body may not be such a fan of running either.

Human Performance Laboratory, Research

The Supplement That Can Damage Your Muscles
Jan 29, 2014

As you know, there are lots of things that can mess with your workout.

Human Performance Laboratory, Research

Renal redox response to normal pregnancy in the rat
Jan 2, 2014

Normal pregnancy involves increased renal sodium reabsorption, metabolism, and oxygen consumption, which can cause increased oxidative stress (OS... Cardio-Renal Physiology Laboratory, Research